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About Sami Mann

Sami has been training animals for the last 14 years. She started training horses in 2000 and built up a solid business in Texas before moving to Fort Collins in 2004 to attend CSU. Sami graduated CSU with honors in 2008 with a degree in Wildlife Biology. She started apprenticing under local animal behaviorist and dog trainer Terry Jester in 2005 and worked with her on improving her training skills for several years before starting her own dog training business.

About Gentle Persuasions Training

Gentle Persuasions Dog Training focuses on using proven methods used by animal behaviorists to gain the dogs trust and respect which results in dogs' obedience both on and off leash. We don't use fear to train dogs; dog's will not learn if they are afraid, but they will flourish in an environment of trust and respect. Using this "balanced" approach to dog training ensures the dog works for you because they WANT to, and not just because you have treats.

Please feel free to contact Sami Mann if you have any questions or would like to schedule your dog for a stay at "camp".


Phone: 970-568-7195

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